The Marvell Fittest Firm Competition is a participant-based company challenge that pits your firm against similarly-sized businesses to see who can really call themselves the ‘Fittest Firm’ in the Valley!
The largest teams in each size category will also qualify for a Race Day Company Tent to showcase company logos and gather together. We also offer rates for bulk purchasing of registrations should you be interested in subsidizing costs for your employees!
- Offer colleagues a chance to build camaraderie with a focus on community AND fitness!
- Subsidize ticket sales for your employees with a customizable discount code
- Take advantage of social media to share your team's times and photos
- Internal communication is simple with the use of our Fittest Firm Media Kit
- The largest teams will receive a tent on race day, a customized plaque, and on-stage recognition during race week!
You can make it happen by signing up to be your Company Champion! As Champion, you’ll receive materials to inform and motivate your colleagues to sign up for the Turkey Trot! Learn more here.
Fill out the Fittest Firm Registration Form or contact Katharina Tschirner at [email protected] to get your corporate team up and running today!
Share the Fittest Firm challenge with your team! Download photos, social media templates, and sample email content so you can get started.
Prize Categories
Extra Small
(1 to 50)
(51 to 500)
(50 to 1,000)
(1,001 to 5,000)
Extra Large
2023 Fittest Firm Winners!
Extra Small
Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Cruz County
Extra Large
Applied Materials