Packet Pickup and Race Day Exhibitors
The Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot is North America’s largest timed Thanksgiving Day race. Join the 25,000 participants, volunteers, and spectators at this year’s race and help us raise $1 million dollars for local charities.
All exhibitors will have the opportunity to place an ad in our virtual race bag, which is sent to all participants. All exhibitors will also be recognized in an email that goes to all participants before the expo to encourage participants to stop by your booth at the expo and/or on race day!
Packet Pickup: The Silicon Valley Turkey Trot Packet Pickup is hosted at Sports Basement in Sunnyvale and lasts for five days (Saturday, November 23 – Wednesday, November 27) from 11 am – 6 pm. Join our runners as they come through Packet Pickup to receive their bibs and shirts. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get your name out to approximately 3,000 people each day!
Race Day: On race day (Thursday, November 28) from 6 am – 12 pm, join the 25,000 participants, spectators, and volunteers! Exhibitors will receive a 10’ x 10’ space in the main festival area.